

Always keep your diamond sparkle!

Diamond is manual and extremely durable. This fact may make most people think that the stone does not need good care and other aspects, can increase the life of your diamond. This is absolutely wrong to. You absolutely need your diamonds a regular care to maintain its luster, brilliance and life. The reason is, you can be robbed of the diamond brilliance, easy to get it due to the accumulation of some foreign materials. These particles, including dust, dirt and even your body oil.
Therefore, you need to spend some valuable time to keep your diamond sparkle. You will not spend much money, or your entire life to take care of your diamond jewelry and shiny. All you need to do is follow some of the techniques mentioned below.
First, you need to regularly clean your diamond. Prepare a warm water and mild detergent solution. Soak for about half an hour the solution, your diamond, you can once again shine on the diamond. Use a soft brush clean diamonds. Diamond, rinse with water. There, with a soft cloth to wipe the water away.
You also need to know, diamonds are found on Earth's the hardest natural material. Only diamonds can scratch diamond. Therefore, many wearing the same diamond ring on your finger, you need to take special care. If wearing a particular ring on another finger touch diamond, diamonds, diamond would be to start from scratch in a very short time period. Try to keep a diamond away from the other.
Do not place a jewelry box in many diamonds. This will allow them to scratch each other. Never put your diamond bracelet, diamond rings, diamond earrings, diamond nose ring. Make sure you keep your diamond jewelry in separate compartments or separate soft cloth to maintain their mutual friction.
Do not hit your diamond steel hammer, because they can break or chip. Some may damage your diamond ring metal surfaces, including file cabinets, doors and metal automotive seat belt buckle. Avoid sharp contact on a hard surface, keeping your diamond security chips and cracks.
You know that diamonds are natural oils to attract it? Yes, they are. Therefore, make sure you do not touch the diamonds with your fingers. Fingertips on the oil may be transferred to the diamond its sparkle and influence. Oil in your hair will steal your diamonds sparkle. Diamond hard to stay away from cream, hair gel, food, lotions and soap grease. These tend to create a film of your diamond, depriving it SPARKLE.
Do not put your hand in the dish water. Present in the water of dirt and grease will destroy its beauty. In addition, the diamond lost its sparkle, as the accumulation of dust and powder.
You can use the ultrasonic cleaner to clean your diamond, and to maintain its sparkle. Provided by many stores in this category, you can buy these from the Internet cleaner.
Keep your diamond sparkle is very easy, if you consider these points.

